Thursday, September 9, 2010


It’s hard losing a loved one, a friend, or anyone you cared about. The emotional pain and the fact that your life is completely different without them are sometimes too much to bear. Most often, no words can neither express how much we miss them nor how we cherish the time we had with them on this earth. We struggle to get past this obstacle, but instead of grief, we look at all the things the loved one has done for us.

Thankfully, I really don’t know much about this guy and was hired to just give this eulogy at the last minute. Turns out the guy who was supposed to do it didn’t show up. I’m sure this kid, D- d- doyen-or whatever, was a good kid. They usually are. He probably did his work most of the time. He probably was the kind of kid who didn’t do drugs, stayed in school, and, you know, was just a good kid. Good kid… yeah. Oh, right. I have this paper with all the things he’s done. Uh, let’s see. He was a good student… was in a couple clubs… was pretty easy-going. Looks like he liked to make his friends smile and laugh. I bet a couple of you here know what I’m talking about. I certainly don’t. Hey, you know what? I bet he was telling a joke to the friend driving as the car crashed. I bet— I bet that they were smiling as they were hit dead on by the 18-wheeler. At least they went out smiling, right?

This D- d-duyoon guy probably had dreams of his own like many of us do. He might have had great aspirations of being a somebody in this world, doing something meaningful, something people would remember. Too bad he didn’t have the time to accomplish those dreams. If he did, I’d actually have something to say.

I’m sure you guys here all miss him since you’re at his funeral and everything. If I had the chance to meet him, well, before he was cold as a brick and inside a coffin, I would most likely be with you guys. You know, crying over there and dressed in black. He might have been a pretty okay guy, from the looks of it. Anyway, I hope he lives in your hearts, dreams and memories and all that. He was a joy to this world and the people he met, and I’m sure he’ll be the same in the afterlife. Now where’s the fifty bucks I was promised?

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