Sunday, February 27, 2011

X is Known

TIME: 7:05 PM

Q: Did you know X?
A: X? Yeah, I knew him, if by knowing him you mean I wanted to beat the shit out of his head. He was a cocky bastard that one. He would come into my business, well knowing I hated his guts, and proceed to waste my time.

Q: And did other people see X as such?
A: Yeah, most of us did, I'm sure. X was known, he didn't hide anything about himself. And as soon as people got to know him, they were either used by X, or saw through him and hated his sly ass. Although there was one person that was close with him, they're very similar. What's his name again? Oh right, it was [ITEM EXPUNGED].

Q: How were X and [ITEM EXPUNGED]?
A: Worked too well. Everyone hated them both. Good riddance X died. I kneeled down and kissed the ground knowing there was one less scumbag on the land.

Q: And yet you had nothing to do with it?
A: I don't like the accusation you're making there. You think I had a part in this? Let me tell you, I wish I did, I wish I did. But no, 'pparently he died of his own accord? I heard it was [ITEM EXPUNGED], and let me tell you, I got no pity. I will dance, laugh and spit on his grave.

Q: And you know of no one who was part of it?
A: Look, I said, I wish I was part of it. I don't know no one who been a part of this. Now I'm going to kindly ask for you to get your ass out of here before I'm forced to be a part of something I didn't wish I was a part of.


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