Thursday, October 14, 2010


What's our meaning in life? Well, doesn’t that like something super emo to say. I mean, isn’t that what we are here to find out? Why does there have to be some innate meaning that is universal for everyone’s lives? I believe that we are here just to live life. There is no special plan for each and every one of us to find. There is no special meaning. Life is that fabled journey where the destination doesn’t matter. We should take our short time on this Earth and make the most of it for ourselves.

So I guess what I see as the meaning of life is for us to be happy, and spread it. Who doesn’t want to be happy? Sure someone might make a lot of money, or be deemed as successful by others staring in from the outside. But does it matter if that person isn’t happy? This also applies to people around us. This philosophy of a meaning in life shouldn’t allow someone to bring down others, just for their own gain, that’d be selfish. We should do things for a better change in society as a whole, to make everyone’s life better. That’s why I believe in those random acts of kindness. Taking time out of one’s life, no matter, how short, to help a stranger in need. These surprises in people’s lives make them feel better, knowing someone would do that for them, and maybe even empower them to pass it forward. That, is what I see to be the meaning in our short lives.


  1. So you're saying then that our meaning is to be happy and help others so that their lives are happy as well... so there is a meaning then. I believe there are more meanings in life than just one. It does not need to be universal
