Friday, November 19, 2010

Dear Cormac McCarthy,

Dear Cormac McCarthy,
You write a lot of books that become movies. No Country for Old Men and The Road are already movies. I heard Blood Meridian is going to be a movie soon too. You crazy old fool. So many movies. No Country for Old Men was apparently a really good film too. But at least you vary your setting and stories to keep them interesting, unlike Stephen King. Him and his love for Maine and alcoholics. You write about the west, the post-apocalyptic word, a lot of different things. Your storytelling is also compelling, especially the way you write. You know, the lack of quotations in The Road, and stuff.

But I'm not sure if The Road was supposed to be all philosophical. Was it? I can never tell with authors. It seems faked a lot of the times. Maybe not in your work, but in other works,for sure. I guess we'd have to ask if you ____ is what you meant when you wrote _________. Literary criticism can be a bunch of total nonsense a lot of the time, making analogies and connections up where they never existed. But then you could simply say that the book means whatever it means to the reader. And we couldn't say anything about that, could we? But I digress.

In the end, your book is pretty spiffy. It's dark, sad, and the writing style is captivating. The Road is a great book, no matter what you meant in the words while writing it.


1 comment:

  1. I would also like to know if Cormac really meant for his book to be philosophical. There were some parts when I felt that I knew exactly what and why Cormac was writing what was on the page. However, I'm always curious if authors mean for their books to be as deep as we disect them to be.
