Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Winter

What is winter?
Is it when the brisk winds turn bitter?
The seasons transition with little signal,
Giving no time for us to change.
Change our clothes and our home
As the sun becomes scarce,
Scared, simply hiding from the night
And the clouds
Hidden behind the clouds that seem to thaw
To dots that strike the body raw.

Is that winter?
Is it the flecks and bits of white that spill
Upon the dirty streets, driven over and over
Til they are gray.
With the viscosity and stickiness
Of disgusting porridge.
With a cold that seeps into our souls
The soles of our shoes
Socks are soaked and the sense in our feet

Could that be winter?
The feeling of bleakness
Of joy, the jolt of cold.
And the emotions that come with the
The times of lights brightening the nights
With colors that converge into a conglomeration
A combination of mesmerizing and monstrous
Hypnotizing and horrendous
Yet at the same time, absolutely stupendous.

Because that is winter.
From the sensations, the season and the snow
To the feeling of wonder and loathe.
The chilly air mixes with the warm glow of lights.
The sound of cool crisp snow crunching underneath.
While splash of the slick streets fades in the background.
An overdose to our senses, until we are confounded.
By everything coming and combining as one.
Into one piece, one feeling, one season.
One winter.

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